
   The USCL gains two new GrandMasters
by USCL Commissioner - Greg Shahade
  There are two new Grandmasters in the US Chess League, however one has joined the league months ago, and the other has just recently joined. The Carolina Cobras added some more venom to their team by adding the young Polish Grandmaster, Marcin Kaminski, to their lineup. With Kaminski and the ultra talented Lev Milman (who has recently earned a GM norm) on board 1+2, they now have the chance to be serious contenders.

   Meanwhile the Dallas Destiny become the only team with two Grandmasters in their lineup as Magesh Panchanathan recently earned the requirements for the Grandmaster title. Although he doesn't yet have the title officially, he is expected to earn it at the FIDE meeting in a few days. Magesh earned the GM title with his fantastic result in the World Open as he scored tied for first place in the ultra strong World Open in Philadelphia. The Dallas Destiny have been annointed the favorite to win the USCL by the fans, and now with a rising GM in their lineup, it's hard to argue with the polls.

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